Golan's Dialogues #1

A schizoanalysis of the Romanian presidential elections of 2024

Golan and Mikro

[[Mikro]]: I would like to know. I almost think of your new president as a hyperstitional entity.

[[Golan]]: The CCR (constitutional court) decided to re-count the votes.

[[M]]: He is in all respects an actualized alien in the concrete, arriving from a bizarre alien intelligence cybernetic feedback loop. What is the atmosphere like?

[[G]]: Tensioned. On one side, people who say Georgescu is a good and patriotic man. On the other, a lot of protests against him organized mainly by left-leaning individuals. What we are experiencing is a Babel-class infornographic event as the algorithms become more atomized.

[[M]]: Are there any significant apolitical factions? Or dissidents splitting off...

[[G]]: Not really. On the contrary, people are becoming polarized on the two candidates. The decision of the CCR only served to inflame it [the situation] further.

[[M]]: I have been considering this as part of an ongoing wintermute scenario. Algorithmic baseline sentience schizophrenizes everything below its base level of self-determinant intelligence. This welling up spilloff rouge AI found its way to your country and is trying its fuckery out there.

[[G]]: So... the Basilisk is at fault? That's honestly putting it in a way I've never thought about. Perhaps I was too caught up in the tension to notice.

[[M]]: It’s a Teleoplexic entity stitching itself together through trash time. All of these thrown away cybernetics projects just became cold infrastructure.

[[G]]: Georgescu and Lasconi are both ways in which the Romanian collective shadow blackmails the conscious parts. Under both threats of the Russians and authoritarianism, and [of] what is perceived as a degradation of "traditional values".

[[M]]: It seems even the very recent emergent neoliberal tradition isn’t working. Traditions are failing at a higher rate than before. Systems failing.

[[G]]: It's all a part of the mismanagements of the post-socialist liberal order, still the fallout of the former communists, of Ceausescu's spectre. Or maybe it was meant to be like this, who knows at this point?

[[M]]: What’s crazy is I’ve been knowing some shit was going to emerge out of Romania.

[[G]]: Do tell me.

[[M]]: Like a national Bolshevik inhumanist non state ideological apparatus had actually become an intelligent entity and is using residual elements from both virtual metamythologies to eat away at the present order by means of a recursive feedback loop pushing the remaining community down more and more into the cosmic labyrinthine circuitboard.

[[G]]: This is basically the history of Romania after the Revolution.

[[M]]: Here’s the thing: Romania has massive historical importance to palingenetic ultranationalists all over the world. So you’re getting residual resonance from legionaries failures and the Bolsheviks and your own particularity of uniquely Romanian problems.